Understanding the HR "Y's" and Why Nots of the Millennial Generation
By 2020, the Millennial generation – also known as Gen-Y, will make up 50% of the workforce. There are differing opinions about exact dates, but Millennial generally refers to those born between 1982-2003. That means those born in the early 80’s will be at the midpoint of
Twelve Small Ways to Maintain Your Health and Sanity
In pursuit of holding doing an excellent job, HR professionals sometimes short change their health and then find, too late, that the road back is incredibly challenging. Why not offer excellence and maintain your health? Here are twelve small changes you can put in to practice now to
Employee Recognition: Reduce Turnover; Improve Customer Relations
It's no secret that retailers face high turnover rates and the cost of replacing an employee is high – sometimes up to 10% of the employee's salary. Research also shows that motivated employees can have a strong impact on your customers' experience. We
Littler Survey Reveals Impact on Employers of a Divided Government, Myriad Forces Reinventing the Workplace
Littler Mendelson, the world’s largest employment and labor law practice representing management, has released the results of its 2014 Executive Employer Survey. The third annual survey, completed by more than 500 in-house counsel, human resources professionals and C-suite
Complexity Bites
Complexity in every day life dooms the unwary HR professional. Consider the following: virtually every luxury car commercial in the last 20 years has highlighted the ability of the driver to merely raise the push-button windows and screen out all the external sounds in the overly noisy
Employing Drucker's "New Certainties"
Drucker wrote that the purpose of strategy is to enable an organization to achieve its desired results in an unpredictable environment. Contrary to what “everybody knows,” strategy is not about achieving results in a known and foreseeable environment, but in an environment
What employee recognition trends should you be watching out for?
With great talent becoming harder and harder to attract and maintain, employee recognition remains important for organizations of all sizes. Staying on top of the latest employee recognition program trends can help you retain your best talent. Here are some of the trends to watch out for.
What Are Essential Skills Tests in HR?
Employers are always looking to hire candidates that will be the best fits for their organization. However, in the race to get the most highly-qualified candidates, recruiters often forget that having the best educational qualifications does not guarantee that the candidate will be the
The One Best Way?
Throughout society you hear a familiar lament: there doesn't seem to be enough time to do the things you need to do within a given day. Yet, if you're like most people, despite all that competes for your time and attention, you have to concede that there are many times